[2004/02/23 設置時のmt-check.cgiのレポート] http://xxxxxxxxxx.lolipop.jp/mt/mt-check.cgi Movable Type [mt-check.cgi] SYSTEM INFORMATION: Current working directory: /home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/lolipop.jp-xxxxxxxxxx/web/mt Operating system: linux Perl version: 5.8.0 (Probably) Running under cgiwrap or suexec CHECKING FOR REQUIRED MODULES: Jcode... Your server has Jcode installed (version 0.83). HTML::Template (version >= 2)... Your server has HTML::Template installed (version 2.6). Image::Size... Your server has Image::Size installed (version 2.992). File::Spec (version >= 0.8)... Your server has File::Spec installed (version 0.82). CGI::Cookie... Your server has CGI::Cookie installed (version 1.21). CHECKING FOR DATA STORAGE MODULES: The following modules are used by the different data storage options in Movable Type. In order run the system, your server needs to have at least one of these modules installed. DB_File... Your server has DB_File installed (version 1.806). DBD::mysql... Your server has DBD::mysql installed (version 2.9002). DBD::Pg... Your server does not have DBD::Pg installed. DBI and DBD::Pg are required if you want to use the PostgreSQL database backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::Pg. DBD::SQLite... Your server does not have DBD::SQLite installed. DBI and DBD::SQLite are required if you want to use the SQLite database backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::SQLite. CHECKING FOR OPTIONAL MODULES: The following modules are optional; if your server does not have these modules installed, you only need to install them if you require the functionality that the module provides. LWP::UserAgent... Your server has LWP::UserAgent installed (version 2.001). SOAP::Lite (version >= 0.5)... Either your server does not have SOAP::Lite installed, or the version that is installed is too old. SOAP::Lite is optional; it is needed if you wish to use the MT XML-RPC server implementation. Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing SOAP::Lite. File::Temp... Your server has File::Temp installed (version 0.13). Image::Magick... Your server has Image::Magick installed (version 5.47). Your server has all of the required modules installed; you do not need to perform any additional module installations. Continue with the installation instructions.